Address: 760 W Foothill Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States
Performance Auto Center are Car stereo store in Rialto, California. Find address, phone number, contact details, reviews and ratings of Performance Auto Center at Performance Auto Center are located at 760 W Foothill Blvd, Rialto, CA 92376, United States. They are 4.5 rated Car stereo store in Rialto, California based on 9 reviews.
Want to connect with Performance Auto Center? We have made it easier to contact Rialto CA Windows Tinting services provider. You can find the contact details above and you may also fill the query form to request call back from them.
4.5 based on 9 reviews
Got a good deal on some speakers here
Let me tell you about my expirence at this wonderfull place i was there for window tint and i endup with a sound sistem that broke my ears and i was atended by wonderfull family that they make me feel at home and they have this litle perrot that make everybody lough and i had a wonderfull time thats wy i give it five stars
installed new stereo on my car and fully satisfied with their work
Very helpful in upgrading my sound system at a very good price.
Had a alarm installed works great thanks for your service , will recommend all my friends
GPS brought me to Aldi store parking lot Then I called number for Performance auto, someone ansured, I asked If it was Perfoormance Auto and was hung up on What good is GPS if the place dont exists
Book your appointment for Performance Auto Center at or you can connect them with given contact number.
Just visit, there you can find best window tinting service in Rialto CA sorted by reviews from real users.
Window tints cost varies as per requirement, usually, they are affordable even for higher-end brands. Select window service as per your demand. For the sake of an example, tinting your whole car will cost you $100 - $400.
Clean soapy water/ vinegar/ methylated spirits, diluted with water will help you clean tinted window. Do not use any harsh chemicals like baking soda while cleaning tinted windows.᐀
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